• Social Security Disability Process

    In order to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) the Social Security Administration (SSA) requires you to prove that your health has left you unable to work for at least 12 months. Before your health issues began, you were physically, mentally, and emotionally able to work at your full Functional Capacity (FC). Your health problems hurt that functional capacity in some way that makes it impossible for you to work. Unfortunately, sometimes that loss can be both invisible and difficult to prove. The SSA reviews the last 15 years of your work history, your medical records, and has a medical consultant compete your RFC exam if your physician cannot do so.

  • Physicial Residual Functional Capacity Exam

    Our staff will take the time to do a full review of your medical records before meeting with you to complete your physical RFC exam. In addition. our staff will review scientific research articles and case studies in order to maximize your chances of success. Afterwards, Dr. Rice will conduct your Physical Residual Functional Capacity Exam. Your completed RFC will be provided to you within one week of the in-person exam. The cost for this service if $700.

    Dr. Rice, and his wife, Heather, have two very special children that are disabled young adults. Getting them approved for Social Security Disability Insurance proved difficult and inspired Dr. Rice to add this service in the hopes of helping others. Unfortunately, the Social Security Disability Administration does not allow Family Practice Physicians to determine mental Residual Functional Capacity Exam. However, we are happy to help with your physical RFC exam.

    Payment plans are available.